


Is the Board made up of former Palmetto Boys’ State members?2018-12-28T16:54:40-05:00

Yes. All Board members are PBS alum and have donated to FOBS.

How can I make financial donations to FOBS?2018-12-28T16:53:45-05:00

The Donation page lists gift designations, either through sending a check or using our Pay-Pal account.

Who are the members of the Board of Directors?2019-01-14T20:28:14-05:00

The Board includes:

  • John Boswell
  • Doug Brune
  • Dave Fleming
  • Morgan Kearse
  • Tim Lewis
  • Todd McDonald
  • Ephraim Ulmer
Can I give monthly?2018-12-28T16:50:15-05:00

Yes. See our Donation page.

Are the donations tax deductible?2018-12-28T16:49:21-05:00

Yes. All donations to FOBS are tax deductible.

Can I give a one-time gift?2018-12-28T16:48:07-05:00

Yes. Please see the Donation page.

Do you provide a membership list?2018-12-28T16:47:01-05:00

No. The membership list shifts yearly.

Do you have a list of corporations and institutions who have joined FOBS?2018-12-28T16:46:05-05:00

No. Up until 2010, FOBS relied on private donations. In 2011, the FOBS Board of Directors voted to accept not only private gifts, but funds from corporations, government sources and foundations.

When was FOBS established?2018-12-28T16:44:23-05:00

FOBS was designated a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation in 1988.

What are the benefits of FOBS membership?2018-12-28T16:43:35-05:00
  • Invitation to a FOBS benefit program during the PBS encampment week in June.
  • Satisfaction of helping one of the premier youth leadership programs in South Carolina.
What are the funds used for?2018-12-28T16:42:28-05:00

Scholarships, operational expenses and program events.

Can I become a member of FOBS?2018-12-28T16:56:07-05:00

Absolutely! Please see the Donation page for more information!

Why do you solicit funds?2018-12-28T16:40:05-05:00

To provide financial support for Palmetto Boy’s State. These funds help provide opportunities for future citizens of Palmetto Boys State.

Are you connected to the American Legion?2018-12-28T16:38:44-05:00

No. FOBS is independent of the American Legion.

Are you a non-profit corporation?2018-12-28T16:33:07-05:00

Yes. We are designated a 501C3.